Sunday, July 10, 2011



Primitive Primary Economic Activities: ( VERY IMPORTANT)

Primitive Gathering

·        Lowest order of economic activity.
·        Only a few thousand people currently practice this form of livelihood.
·        Primitive gathering is the oldest economic activities in which human being supported themselves by collecting a variety of products provided by nature.
·        People collect fruits, nuts, barriers, roots leaves, and fiber from trees, shrubs and smaller plants.
·        They plant few seeds and spend no time for cultivating the soils.
·        They don’t try to improve and control their habitat.
·        Gathering requires the least amount of capital investment and effort, but considerable space is required.

Isolated pockets in low latitudes areas, Amazon basin (Brazil, Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela)

Primitive Hunting ( VERY IMPORTANT)

·        Primitive hunters share many characteristics with the primitive gatherers.
·        Both group know how to use fire, prepare food, manufacture tools and implement the tools.
·        Hunters know how to construct shelter.
·        Both group generally don’t know domesticated food plants, domesticated animals and permanent settlement.
·        Hunters differ from gatherers in that they employ more sophisticated methods to secure foods and depend much more on animals.

Occurs in high latitudes area, where temperature is very low and summer is very short.

Nomadic Herding ( VERY IMPORTANT)

·        It is a more advanced economic activity than either gathering or hunting.
·        They depend on domestication of animals.
·        Animals supply food (milk, cheese and meat), materials for clothing (fibers and skin), shelter (skin), fuel (excrement) and tools (bones).
·        Migration is a basic feature of this people.
·        Nomads started the first economic activity.
·        Started their activities near the river valley and started settled down.
·        Started agriculture 15000 years ago near river valley.
Physical environment:
·        Less precipitation area (mainly grassland)
·        Grasses and shrubs comprise the natural vegetation.


Primary economic Activities

Primary economic activities are those economic activities by which Homo sapiens conduct economic activity to produce primary products.


Primary goods are also called tangible goods. These are mainly agricultural goods like rice, wheat, potatoes etc.


We can identify primary economic activities by characterizing it in different pattern. The characteristics of primary economic activities are as follows:

·      Primary activities are conducted by Homo sapiens to produce primary products.

·      These are the products, which can be characterized by least processing and mass production directly from the field.

·      Primary products fetch least price in the market.

·      In primary economic activities net return may not be cost effective in some cases.

·      Producers involved in these economic activities may remain poor.

·      Primary economic activities belong to the production sector.

·      Contribution to GDP from primary sector is less in developed countries (5%) and underdeveloped is about 60%-70%.

Different sectors of primary economic activities ( VERY IMPORTANT)

Ø Agriculture

Ø Mining

Ø Fishing

Ø Forestry

Ø Others


Growing of crops and raising of domesticated animals under human supervision.


The harvesting of fish from fresh and salty water.


The extraction of minerals and natural resources from nature


Cutting and collecting of timber/wood from natural or forest areas.



Fishing is a primary economic activity by which different types of fish are catches from water bodies. The production is bulk in size and in raw form.

Fish provide an important source of protein in the diet for much of the world’s population. For many parts of the third world, fish are the pre dominant source of high quality animal protein.

Water bodies:

There are two types of water bodies.

Ø Saline water bodies: ocean, sea, bay etc.

Ø Fresh water bodies: river, lake, pond, canal etc.

Most of the fish are found in saline water bodies.

Fishing ground

Fishing grounds are those spaces of the water body where most of the fish are found.

There are two types of fishing.

·      Capture fishing: nature induced

·      Culture fishing: man induced

Capture fishing:  is that fishing activities where the fishermen only capture fish from natural water bodies without getting involved in maturing the fish.

Culture fishing: people culture/cultivate fish in man made water bodies.

Commercial fishing activity occurs predominantly in northern hemisphere ocean waters. Coastal margins of the middle latitudes are the biggest producing areas.

The largest producing areas for commercial fish are shallow waters on the continental shelf.

Biggest fishing ground situated near Peru, Chile and Argentina (South America: Capture fishing).

The total annual fish production of Bangladesh is estimated to be in the range of 1.5 to1.7 million tons. 2 million families directly dependent on fishing as their principal livelihood. But only 5 to 6 percent of the national GDP is from fisheries sector. Fisheries provide 60% of the animal protein intake of the entire population of the country.


Forestry is a primary economic activity by which people extract necessary things (wood, timber, leaves, honey etc.) from nature.

There are two types forest.

·      Natural forest (nature induced)

·      Social forest (man induced)

Timbering is the most widespread and dominant type of forestry activity.

Wood consumption occurs as fuel (cooking and heating users) and industrial purpose also.

Commercial forestry

Commercial forests occur in two huge global belts. The first virtually encircles the world in the higher latitudes of the northern hemisphere. Second forest gathering realm lies in the tropical equatorial zone, including a large part of South America and Central Africa.

There are two kinds of wood.

·      Hard wood

·      Soft wood

Hard wood is used for construction of houses, buildings, railway line, electric poles furniture etc.

Location: Hard wood is mainly found in the low latitude region (equatorial area). Most of the hard wood found in Amazon River valley.

Soft wood is mainly used for making paper, pulp etc.

Location: Soft wood is mainly found in high latitude area.


Mining is a primary economic activity by which people extract minerals and natural resources from nature. Minerals mainly find in the parent Rock.


A compact and consolidated mass of mineral matter. Three types of rock are recognized: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.

There are 3 types of rock.

·      Igneous rock

·      Sedimentary rock

·      Metamorphic rock

Igneous Rock

Rocks formed by solidification of molten magma either beneath (intrusive igneous rock) or at (extrusive igneous rocks) the Earth's surface.


Molten rock originating from the Earth's interior.

Sedimentary Rock

Rocks formed by the deposition, alteration and/or compression of weathered rock debris, chemical precipitates, or organic sediments.

Metamorphic Rock

A rock that forms from igneous, sedimentary or other metamorphic rocks through pressure increase, temperature rise, or chemical alteration.

Classification of minerals

·      Hydrocarbons: crude oil, natural gas, coal

·      Metallic Ores: iron, aluminum, copper, gold, silver, zinc etc.

Precious stones: diamond, ruby etc.

Parent rocks of hydrocarbons are mainly found in sedimentary rock.

Parent rocks of metallic ores are found in metamorphic and igneous rock. But mostly found in metamorphic rock.

But precious stone are only found in metamorphic rocks.

LECTURE  8 and 9

Agriculture ( VERY IMPORTANT)

Agriculture is very important, old and traditional type of primary economic activity. It is an economic activity conducted by Homo sapiens to grow crops and raise livestock directly from the field under their direct supervision.

Based on the mode of production, there are two types of agriculture
·      Subsistence agriculture
·      Commercial agriculture

Subsistence agriculture ( VERY IMPORTANT)

Subsistence agriculture is that type of agriculture practice by which farmers try to meet their own demand by producing the necessary agricultural products. There should not be any profit motive in producing those agricultural commodities. In other words subsistence agriculture is that where frequency of occurrence of crops raised from farmlands is about 1. We can also measure it through index of intensity of cropping. Country where population is less, index is about 1. There are two types of subsistence agriculture, such as
Ø  Primitive agriculture/ Primitive subsistence agriculture
Ø  Intensive agriculture/ Intensive subsistence agriculture

Primitive agriculture ( VERY IMPORTANT)

Primitive agriculture is the function of the south. It is also known as traditional agriculture. It manifests only rudimentary technical management of the land, and limited amounts of time, effort and capital are devoted to this activity. For example: shifting cultivation, slash/burn agriculture etc.

Intensive subsistence agriculture

When the farmers produce the goods in a cost effective manner it is known as intensive agriculture. The main objective of this agriculture is to gain profit by minimizing the cost. In this agriculture system frequency of occurrence of crops raised from farm is more than one.

Primitive agriculture is mainly different from intensive agriculture on the basis of
·      Mode of production
·      Cropping intensity
·      Fragmentation of land

Mode of production: primitive subsistence agriculture is absolutely non-cost effective. There is no tendency to maximize the profit. On the other hand, intensive agriculture is cost-effective.

Cropping intensity: is a function of frequency of occurrence in a given year. For subsistence or primitive agriculture cropping intensity is single cropping.

But, in intensive agriculture the cropping intensity is double or multiple cropping.

Fragmentation of land: fragmentation of land is very low in primitive agriculture and on the other hand, very high in the intensive agriculture.

Commercial agriculture ( VERY IMPORTANT)
Commercial agriculture is mainly profit oriented or business oriented. These are also known as modern agriculture system.

Ø  Commercial grain farming
Ø  Plantation agriculture

Commercial grain farming

In commercial grain farming producers always produce the goods in a cost effective manner and make profit. All the equipments are mechanized. It is mainly seen in the north. Crops, which are produced in this agriculture system, are wheat, rice, corn etc.

Plantation agriculture

Plantation of tea, rubber, coffee, pineapple, coco tree known as plantation agriculture. Mainly it is the activity of south.

Secondary Economic Activities


Secondary economic activities are those activities by which Homo sapiens conduct economic activities to produce secondary products.

Example: secondary goods are also known as tangible goods. These are mainly industrial or manufactured goods.

 The characteristics of secondary economic activities are as follows:
Ø     Secondary economic activities belong to production sectors.
Ø     Economic men conduct these activities to produce secondary goods.
Ø     Secondary economic activities are mainly located in urban areas.
Ø     These activities bring industrialization and also urbanization process.
Ø     Secondary economic activities also activate tertiary economic activities.
Ø     Products produced through secondary activities fetch more prices in the market place.

Components of secondary economic activities

( VERY IMPORTANT)There are three components of secondary economic activities. These are
v    Manufacturing/Processing
v    Energy production
v    Construction

Manufacturing /Processing ( VERY IMPORTANT)

Manufacturing or processing is the key component of secondary economic activities. Manufacturing is the production of value added secondary products involving significant processing in manufacturing units. This is the process of converting raw materials into finished goods. These processing must be conducted in a cost effective manner. It entails maximization of profit and minimization of cost. Sustained manufacturing demand not only creates the demand for construction and energy but also increases demand for tertiary economic activities.

Construction activity ( VERY IMPORTANT)
Construction activity involves the construction of physical structures. For example: urban constructions like housing, markets, roads, bridges etc.

We can give the example of Jamuna Bridge. Construction of Jamuna Bridge leads to a better communication between Dhaka and north Bengal. This better communication leads to better infrastructure in the northern areas and cause decentralization of industries.

Energy production ( VERY IMPORTANT)
Secondary economic activities have set up a lot of industries. To run any industry the most essential input is energy.

Impact of Secondary economic Activity

Secondary economic activities are those economic activities from where we get secondary products and these products involve significant processing. Before the advent of industrial revolution there were no secondary economic activities. Secondary economic activity began with the transformation of nature-induced landscape to man induced landscapes. These economic activities start industrialization process and also urbanization process. This urbanization process causes migration of people from rural to urban areas. There is a re-distribution of population and majority of the people become the inhabitants of urban areas. Thus industrialization and urbanization occur that lead to overall development.

Basis of classification of industries

According to gross output/return ( VERY IMPORTANT FOR QUIZ)

v    Large-scale industry
v    Medium-scale industry
v    Small-scale industry
v    Cottage industry

Large-scale industries are those, which employ 100 or more workers and/or capital assets in excess of 300 million taka.

Medium scale industries are those, which provide employment for 50 to 99 workers and/or has fixed capital assets worth between 100 to 300 million taka.

Small scale industry are those, which employ less than 50 workers and/or has capital assets worth less than 100 million taka.

Cottage industries are those, which are very small-scale and are engaged in manufacturing activities mostly with family members.

According to input characteristics

·        Land intensive (brick field)
·        Labor intensive (garments, textile)
·        Capital intensive (pharmaceuticals)
·        Management intensive (IT sector)
·        Technology intensive (IT sector)

According to output characteristics (composition of raw materials)

·        Heavy industry (iron, steel)
·        Medium industry (textile)
·        Light industry (IT sector)


Tertiary economic activities

Tertiary economic activities are those economic activities by which Homo sapiens conduct economic activities to produce tertiary services. It is the biggest sector in a given economy.

 The characteristics of tertiary economic activities are as follows:

v                       Tertiary activities are the service sector of the economy
v                       It is the exchange element of PCE mechanism
v                       These activities are mainly urban based
v                       Normally located in towns, cities, ports etc
v                       Tertiary economic activities provides value added services
v                       In developed countries this is the large sector contributing to GDP

Sectors involve in tertiary economic activities: ( VERY IMPORTANT)

ü Administration services
ü Wholesaling and retailing
ü Trade (international and internal)
ü Banking and financial services
ü Transportation services
ü Communication and information services
ü Utility services
ü Educational services
ü Health services
ü Recreation services

All tertiary economic activities are included in service sector, which provides all kinds of service to the public citizens.

Administrative services ( VERY IMPORTANT)

This sector includes both private and public sector activities. Public or government service people are appointed by the government to serve the people.

Judicial services are also included in administrative services. Magistrate is appointed for lower court by the government. Justices also appointed by the government for higher and Supreme Court.

Administrative and Judicial services are two main parts in administrative service in a given region or country. Administrators are totally responsible if anything happen in their region.

Health services ( VERY IMPORTANT)

Health and medical services mainly divided into two parts:

ü Curative services (help to get cured when people suffer any kind of diseases)
ü Preventive services (these services prevent people from becoming ill)

Utility services  ( VERY IMPORTANT)

Utility services mainly found in urban areas. Electricity, gas, water and sewerage etc. are mainly known as utility services. Government or private sector may provide these services.

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