Friday, July 8, 2011


                                                              CHAPTER 1 
Manager is the man who manages everything in an organization. In other words manager is someone who works with other people and through other people and co ordinate their work activities to accomplish organizational goals. (Mana manger holo amon akjon mansuh ja onnoder kajer somonnoy kora organizational goal achieve kora.
There are 3 types of manager
1.      First line manager: are low level manager who mange the work of non managerial employee and directly involve with production. Such as supervisor or foreman.
2.      Middle manager: are the managers between first line and top level manager. They manage the work or supervise first line manager.
3.      Top managers: are the managers who supervise the work of first line and middle managers. They make the organization top decisions and they take the responsibility for those decision.
Management: means co coordinating work activities so that they are done efficiently and effectively.
Efficiency: getting most output with the list amount of input. Doing the things right ( shothikbhaba kaj kora) .
Effectiveness: completing activities so that organizational goals are attained. Doing the things right. ( shothik kaj kora)
Function of management
1.      Planning: planning involve determining goals and establishing strategies to achieve those goals.
2.      Organizing: involve what tasks are to be done, who will do the task, who will report to whom and where decision will take place.
3.      Leading: involve motivating co workers, influencing individual to work, selecting the most effective communication channel.
4.      Controlling: involve monitoring actual performance and taking action if necessary.
Management roles: there are 3 types of managerial roles.
1.      Interpersonal: involving people and other duties that are symbolic in nature. Interpersonal roles are divided into 3 types.
·        Figure head: perform number of routine duties. Such as signing in the legal document
·        Leader: responsible for motivating co workers, training and staffing. Such as performing virtually all activities that involve all subordinates.
·        Liaison: maintaining contact with others. Such as doing external work that includes outsiders.
2.      Informational roles: role includes receiving and collecting information. This role divides into 3 steps.
·        Monitor: seeking internal and external information to develop organization.
·        Disseminator: receive information from or from co workers. Such as holding informational meeting.
·        Spokesperson: give information to outsider. Such as holding broad meeting and giving it to media.
3.      Decisional roles: roles involve making choices. This role is divided into 4 parts.
·        Entrepreneur: search organizations and its environment for opportunities. Such as make organization strategy to develop new programmed
·        Disturbance handler: responsible to control unexpected disturbance. Such as think if any accident or any unexpected activities done by a brac student before its campus then brac university authority will take the responsibility
·        Resources allocator (sompodaror resources ar botton): responsible for allocating resources of the organization.
·        Negotiator: responsible for representing the organization at major negotiations.
Managerial skill:
Managerial skill are divided into 3 steps
1.      Human skill : working ability with other people individually or in a group
2.      Technical skill: knowledge and proficiency in specialized field.
3.      Conceptual skill: the ability to think and conceptualized about complex.
A deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose. (mana serialy organization ar manushder sajano for some specific purpose.

Strategic management:
Strategic management is a set of managerial decision which meets the long run performance of an organization.

Importance of Strategic management:
  • Strategic management can make differences in organization performance.
  • To cope up with the changing situation manger examine different variables to take decision.
  • Strategic management is also important to achieving organizational goals by co coordinating different division, units, functions and work activities.
  • Finally, strategic management is important because it involve many decisions that managers make.

Strategic management process:
Strategic management is six step processes that encompass strategic planning, implementing and evaluating.

  1. Step 1 : identifying organizations current mission, objective and strategies:
Every organization needs a mission – statement of the purpose of an organization. Organization mission forces manager to carefully identify the scope of its products and services. It is also for a manager to know organization goals. Because we all know that goal setting is the foundation of planning. Knowing the current mission of organization and assessing them manager will decide whether these goals need to be changed or not. For the same reason it is important for mangers to identify the organizations current strategies.

  1. External analysis :
External analysis is an important constraint (baddho kora) on a manger action. External analysis is important to know what competition is going on, what are affecting organization and giving opportunities to organization. In analyzing external environment mangers need to examine both specific and general environment to see what trend and changes are occurring. After analyzing external environment manager must identify what are opportunities the organization have and what are the threats that organization should counteract.
  1. internal analysis ;
In internal analysis manger assess the resources and capabilities of an organization. Any activities organization do well is unique in the organization and any activity organization does not do well is weakness.
Internal analysis provides important information about organizational resources and capabilities. If any of these organizational resources are unique they are called organization core competency. The combined internal and external analysis is called S.W.O.T analysis.
  1. Formulating strategies :
After S.W.O.T analysis is over manager should select the appropriate strategies for all level in the organization. Manager also should matches organization strength to environment opportunities and correct weakness and guard against thread to meet the rival (protijogi).
  1. Implementation  strategy :
After formulating strategy must be implement properly. Otherwise strategy will not going to work.
  1. Evaluating strategy :
Final step in the management strategy process is evaluating. How effective the strategy been and what adjustment is needed in the strategy.

Types of organizations strategy:

  1. corporate level strategy: refers that what business a company should do or wants to be in and it also reflect that in which direction organization is going and what roles that each organization is pursuing to reach that direction ( mana holo akta organization ar ki ki bussines kora uchit or kon business a dhuka uchit and organization kon dika jaccha ar organization ar each unit oy direction a jabar jonno ki ki role play kortasa). Corporate level strategies are 3 types.
    • Growth strategy: is a corporate level strategy seeks to increase the organization operation by expanding the number of product and services offered or market served. ( mana product ar services bariya organization ar operation increase kora).
    • Stability strategy: is a corporate level strategy characterized by an absence of significant change ( mana kono dhoronar new product offer korba na). Such as offering same product and services to same clients.
    • Renewal strategy: is a corporate level strategy designed to address or meet organization weakness for what organization performances are declining. ( mana ay strategy dara organization ar weakness meet kora hoy). Renewal strategies are 2 types.
1.      Retrenchment strategy: a short run renewal strategy. This strategy implanted in organization when problem is not so serious.
2.      Turnaround strategy: is a strategy which in the organization when the problem is serious or critical.
  • Corporate portfolio analysis: when a organization corporate strategy involves in a number of business, manager can manage this portfolio of business using a corporate portfolio matrix. The first portfolio matrix developed by Boston consultancy group( BCG)
Based on corporate analysis business can be evaluated in to 4 categories.
    1. Cash cows (low growth, high market share): business generate huge amount of money but the business growth is limited.
    2. stars ( high growth, high market share): business in this category generate huge amount of money and business growth is also high
    3. Question marks (high growth, low market share): business in the category growth very high but they generate a small amount of money as a result their market is low.
    4. Dogs (low growth, low market share): in this category business do not generate much cash and then don’t provide promises for improving performance.

  1. Business level strategy: an organization strategy seeks to determine how organization will compete each of its business. For organization in multiple business.
    • Competitive advantage: what sets an organization apart, that is, its distinct edge? ( mana kono unique resources or capabilities make organization different from other)
    • Sustainable competitive advantage : sustainable advantage enable the organization to despite competitor action or evolutionary changes in the business.
·        competitive strategy :
1.      threats of new entrance
2.      bargaining power of buyers
3.      burgainig power of supplier
4.      current rivalry
·        Cost leadership strategy : a business level stategy when an organization in the market is the low cost producer
·        Differentiation strategy: in which a company offered unique product which is valued by customers. Such as SONY
·        Focus strategy: a business level strategy in which a company pursues cost or differentiation advantages in narrow industry segment.

Stuck in the middle: a situation when a company cant develop low cost or differentiation advantages.

3. Functional level strategy: an organization strategy that support business level straegy.

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