Tuesday, July 19, 2011



Leader: someone who can influence others and who has managerial power. ( ja onno der influence korta para and jar managerial power asa0

Leadership: the process of influencing a group toward the achievement of goal. ( ja prokiay akta group k influence kora hoy jata goal achieve kora jai. ja kau leadership power pata para but ja kau leader hota para na. leader hota hola upor ar authorityr power laga)

Traits theory:
The main theme of this theory is to dedifferentiate leaders from nonreaders by their traits.  To dedifferentiate leaders from nonreaders there should be 7 traits in a leader or “leaders are by born leader” to full fill this quote there should be 7 characteristic or traits in a leader. (Mana traits theory bola ja 7 traits or boishisto akta leader ar maja thakta hoba ja akta leader k onnoanoder chaya alada korba or quote ta puron korba)

  1. Drive: a leader is ambitious and has high desire for achievement. He should exhibit or show high level of effort to achieve organizational goals. ( mana akta leader k ambitious and achievement ar akankha thakta hoba. Ar organizational gola achieve ar jonnno high effort show korta hoba.
  2. Desire to lead: leaders must have a strong desire to lead or influence others.
  3. Honesty and integrity: a leader must be honest and build a trusting relation between subordinates.
  4. Self confidence: a leader must be self-confidence to convince his followers and help them to take decision and solve problems.
  5. Intelligence: leaders need to be intelligent enough to solve problems and create decisions.
  6. Jobs relevant knowledge: a leader must have knowledge about the company, industry and technical matters.
  7. Extraversion: a leader should come up and break down introvert ness from their subordinates.
Behavioral theories:
Behavioral theories refers that how leadership change the behavior by four main behavior studies.
  1. Iowa university studies: This University explored three leadership styles.

o   Autocratic style: dictating work method, centralization decision makings, limited participation. ( sob decision upper level niba)
o   Democratic style: involving subordinate, delegating work and encouraging participation. ( mana sobay participation korta parba)
o   Laissez-faire: giving group freedom to make decision and complete work. (Mana manager freedom dia day subordinate der kaj korar ar employee rat a deadline ar aga shash kora Dai.)

  1. Ohio state studies: it identified two important dimension of leader behavior.

o   Consideration : being considerate of followers ideas and feelings in job relationship by establishing mutual trust and respect for group members
o   Initiating structure: structuring work and work relationship to meet job goals. ( job relationship k akta structure daaya jata ta job ar goal meet korta para)
  1. University of Michigan studies: This study also comes up with two dimension of leadership behavior.

o   Employee oriented: emphasized interpersonal relationship and taking care of employees need.
o   Production oriented: emphasized on the technical aspect of the job. Here accomplishing group task is the main concern.
Managerial grid: used the behavioral dimensions “concern fro people” and “concern for production”

  • Concern for people : evaluating leaders behaviors , ranking them on a scale from 1 to 9
  • Concern for production: emphasized technical or task aspect of jobs.
Although the grid had 81 potential categories into which a leader’s behavior can fall into which leaders behavioral style might fall, emphasizes on five.

  1. Impoverished management (1, 1): exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is appropriate to sustain organization membership. ( mana minimum effort dia required work kora ata organization a tika thakar jonno projozzo)
  2. task management (9,1) : efficiency in operation results from arranging result condition of work in such a way that human elements interfere to minimum degree( mana amr work setting daya thakba ami employee hire korbo then production korbo)
  3. Middle of the road (5, 5): adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get out work with maintaining morale or confidence of people at a satisfactory level.
  4. country club management (1,9): thoughtful attention to needs of people for satisfying relationship leads to a comfortable, friendly organization, atmosphere and work tempo ( mana valo akta relation create kora organization ar bhitor and production nia tara tamon chinta kora na . such as NGO)
  5. Team management (9, 9): work accomplished from committed people; interdependence through a “common stake” in organization purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect. ( mana built up good relationship and much production)

Contingency theories of leadership:
The Fiedler model: proposed that effective group performance depend on the proper match between the leader’s style with his or her followers and the degree to which the situation allowed the leader to control and influence. To measure leaders style Fiedler developed LPC questionnaire.
LPC:  measured whether a leader was task or relationship oriented.
Fiedler research uncovered three contingency dimension that defined the key situational factors for determining leader effectiveness
  • Leader member relations: refers that trust and respect employee had for their leader
  • Task structure: refers that job assignments were formalized and procedurized; rated as either high or low
  • Position power: refers influence leader had over power based activities such as hiring, firing, discipline and salary increase.

Heresy and Blanchard’s situational leadership theory

Situational leadership theory (SLT): focuses on the follower’s readiness.
Readiness: refers people have the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific task.

SLT uses the same two leadership dimensions that fielder identified: task and relationship behaviors. But heresy goes a step further by considering them into four specific leadership styles. (See pages 429)

Leader participating model: refers to contingency model that related leadership behavior and participation in decision making.

Leadership styles in the vroom leader participation

  • Decide
  • Consult individually
  • Consult group
  • Facilitate
  • Delegates
A leadership theory that says it’s the leader’s job to assist his or her follower in attaining their goals and to provide the direction or support needed to ensure that their goals are compatible with the overall objectives of the group or organization.

  • Directive leadership: lets subordinate know whats expected from them , schedule work to be done, and gives specific guidance on how to accomplish task
  • Supportive leadership: is friendly and shows concern for the needs of followers.
  • Participating leader: consults with the groups members and uses their suggestion before making decision.
  • Achievement oriented leader: sets challenging goals and expects followers to perform at their highest level.

If path goal theory goal comes in the exam then you have to answer the following

Environment contingency factors
  • Task structure
  • Formal authority system
  • Work group
Leader behavior                                                                                 Outcomes
·         Directive                                                                    performance, satisfaction
·         Supportive                                →
·         Participative
·         Achievement oriented
Subordinate contingency factors
  • Locus of control
  • Experience
  • Perceived ability

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